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Munin is a online hash checker utility that retrieves valuable information from various online sources. The current version of Munin queries the following services: Virustotal HybridAnalysis Any.Run URLhaus MISP CAPE Malshare Valhalla Hashlookup Screenshot Default Mode - Read Hashes from File Usage: [-h] [-f path] [--vh search-string] [--vhrule search-string] [-o output] [--vtwaitquota] [--vtminav min-matches] [--limit hash-limit] [--vhmaxage days] [-c cache-db] [-i ini-file] [-s sample-folder] [--comment] [-p vt-comment-prefix] [--download] [-d download_path] [--nocache] [--nocsv] [--verifycert] [--sort] [--web] [-w port] [--cli] [--rescan] [--debug] Online Hash Checker optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f path File to process (hash line by line OR csv with hash in each line - auto-detects position and comment) --vh search-string Query Valhalla for hashes by keyword, tags, YARA rule n