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Access Undenied parses AWS AccessDenied CloudTrail events, explains the reasons for them, and offers actionable fixes. Overview Common use cases Simple Startup Installation - Installation from pip - Installation from source code (development) Usage - Getting events - Permissions - Same account assets only, no SCPs - Cross-account assets and SCPs CLI Commands - Analyze - Get SCPs Output Format Output Fields - AccessDeniedReason: ResultDetails - PoliciesToAdd - ExplicitDenyPolicies Acknowledgements Appendices - Running AccessUndenied from a Lambda function - Setting up a venv - Getting CloudTrail events via the LookupEvents API with the CLI - Getting Cloudtrail events from the AWS Console's event history Example Cloudtrail event Least privilege AccessUndenied policy Overview Access Undenied analyzes AWS CloudTrail AccessDenied events, scans the environment to identify and explain the reasons for them, and offers actionable least-privilege remediation suggestions. Common use cases Sometimes, the new and more detailed AccessDenied messages provided by AWS will be sufficient. However, that is not always the case. Some AccessDenied messages do not provide details. Among the serv