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Bubblewrap is a setuid implementation of a subset of user namespaces. It provides a way to run unprivileged containers without requiring root privileges. It is designed to be a more secure alternative to other container runtimes like systemd-nspawn and Docker. Bubblewrap is a setuid implementation of a subset of user namespaces. It provides a way to run unprivileged containers without requiring root privileges. It is designed to be a more secure alternative to other container runtimes like systemd-nspawn and Docker. Bubblewrap does not allow control over iptables, which is a significant difference from user namespaces. Bubblewrap is a setuid implementation of a subset of user namespaces. It provides a way to run unprivileged containers without requiring root privileges. It is designed to be a more secure alternative to other container runtimes like systemd-nspawn and Docker.