Malware Analysis

260 tools and resources

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A semi-automatic tool to generate YARA rules from virus samples.

YaraDbg Logo


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A free web-based Yara debugger for security analysts to write hunting or detection rules with ease.

angr Logo


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angr is a Python 3 library for binary analysis with various capabilities like symbolic execution and decompilation.

A blog post discussing INF-SCT fetch and execute techniques for bypass, evasion, and persistence

lw-yara Logo


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A Yara ruleset for detecting PHP shells and other webserver malware.

WinDbg Logo


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Powerful debugging tool with extensive features and extensions for memory dump analysis and crash dump analysis.

Ropper Logo


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Ropper is a tool for analyzing binary files and searching for gadgets to build rop chains for different architectures.

Intezer Logo


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Intezer is a cloud-based malware analysis platform that detects and classifies malware using genetic code analysis.

Online Java decompiler tool with support for modern Java features.

RTFSig Logo


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A tool for signature analysis of RTF files to detect potentially unique parts and malicious documents.

A collection of Android Applications with malware analysis results

Collects Yara rules from over 150 free resources, a free alternative to Valhalla.

Rexsser Logo


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A Burp plugin for identifying potential vulnerabilities in web applications

Tplmap Logo


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Tplmap is a tool for detecting and exploiting server-side template injection vulnerabilities.

Largest open collection of Android malware samples, with 298 samples and contributions welcome.

A powerful tool for detecting and identifying malware using a rule-based system.

A PowerShell obfuscation detection framework designed to highlight the limitations of signature-based detection and provide a scalable means of detecting known and unknown obfuscation techniques.

A tool for identifying and analyzing Java serialized objects in network traffic

A software reverse engineering framework with full-featured analysis tools and support for multiple platforms, instruction sets, and executable formats.

A tool that generates Yara rules from training data using logistic regression and random forest classifiers.

dex2jar Logo


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Tools for working with Android .dex and Java .class files, including dex-reader/writer, d2j-dex2jar, and smali/baksmali.