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The ZAT Python package supports the processing and analysis of Zeek data with Pandas, scikit-learn, Kafka, and Spark. Install: - pip install zat - pip install zat[pyspark] (includes pyspark library) - pip install zat[all] (include pyarrow, yara-python, and tldextract). Examples of Using ZAT: AWS Data Processing and ML Modeling, SageWorks, Installing on Raspberry Pi. Recent Improvements: Faster/Smaller Pandas Dataframes for large log files, Better Panda Dataframe to Matrix (ndarray) support, Scalable conversion from Zeek logs to Parquet, Vastly improved Spark Dataframe Class, Updated/improved Notebooks, Zeek JSON to DataFrame class. Video Presentation: Data Analysis and Machine Learning with Zeek. Why ZAT? Offloading complex tasks from Zeek for efficient processing of high volume network traffic and enhanced data analysis capabilities.


BusKill is a laptop kill cord that can trigger your computer to lock or shutdown when it's physically separated from you.