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Deserialization payload generator for a variety of .NET formatters Generates payloads for various .NET formatters, including BinaryFormatter, SoapFormatter, and NetDataContractSerializer.



A tool for deep analysis of malicious files using ClamAV and YARA rules, with features like scoring suspect files, building visual tree graphs, and extracting specific patterns.

A generator for YARA rules that creates rules from strings found in malware files while removing strings from goodware files.

A tool that extracts and deobfuscates strings from malware binaries using advanced static analysis techniques.

Java decompiler GUI tool for Procyon under Apache License.

Studying Android malware behaviors through Information Flow monitoring techniques.

VolatilityBot automates binary extraction and memory analysis, including detecting code injections and strings.

Microservice for scanning files with Yara

A proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that exploit unsafe Java object deserialization.