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Yet Another Linux Virtual Machine for Mobile Application Pentesting and Mobile Malware Analysis. Main purpose of the Vezir is to provide up-to-date testing environment for mobile security researchers. Vezir (vizier, chess queen in Turkish) is based on Ubuntu and it is created with VMWare Fusion 6.0.4. In order to minimize compatibility issues, Vezir virtual machine is set to use hardware version 9 and therefore it is compatible with ESXi 5.1 ESXi 5.5 ESXi 6.0 Fusion 5.0 Fusion 6.0 Fusion 7.0 Fusion 8.0 Workstation 9.x Workstation 10.x Workstation 11.x Workstation 12.0 virtualization environments. Vezir 2.0 uses XFCE desktop environment (Xubuntu) and based on Ubuntu 15.04. Update Status: Vezir 2.0 latest version is Vezir 2.1 and updated on 21 Apr 2016. Vezir 1.0 latest update on 3 Oct 2015. Credentials: Username: vezir Password: vzr. Tools: Eclipse, Android Studio (will be available in Vezir 2.2), Android SDK, libimobiledevice library, BinaryCookieReader, androguard, Drozer, JD-GUI, Jadx, dex2jar, Hoppe.