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Parrot Security OS is a Debian-based operating system designed for cybersecurity professionals, providing a comprehensive framework for red and blue team operations with over 600+ tools, utilities, and libraries. It offers a secure, portable, and customizable environment with a focus on performance, privacy, and freedom. The system is designed to be secure from the ground up, with native support for full disk encryption, fast security updates, and a hardened Debian core. It is highly portable, running on a wide range of environments, from laptops to IoT boards. The system is engineered to be lightweight, allowing it to run on old hardware or perform intensive tasks without performance drops. Parrot OS prioritizes privacy, with features like full disk encryption, AnonSurf, Tor Browser, and custom cryptographic tools. It is also highly customizable, with perfect default settings and the ability to tailor the system to individual needs and styles. As an open-source system, Parrot OS provides free access to its code, promoting freedom and community contribution.