Online Telegram bot that collects a dossier on a person by username, checking for accounts on a huge number of sites and gathering all available information from web pages without requiring API keys. It is a powerful fork of Sherlock, supporting over 3000 sites with features like profile pages parsing, extraction of personal info, recursive search by new usernames, search by tags, censorship and captcha detection, and more.
ISF (Industrial Exploitation Framework) - An exploitation framework for industrial systems with various ICS protocol clients and exploit modules.
Merlin is a cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent written in Golang for efficient and secure communication.
A DNS rebinding attack framework for security researchers and penetration testers.
A next generation version of enum4linux with enhanced features for enumerating information from Windows and Samba systems.
Very vulnerable ARM/ARM64[AARCH64] application with various levels of vulnerabilities for exploitation training.
A cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control server and agent dedicated for containerized environments
An AI-powered career platform that automates the creation of cybersecurity job application materials and provides company-specific insights for job seekers.
Fabric Platform is a cybersecurity reporting solution that automates and standardizes report generation, offering a private-cloud platform, open-source tools, and community-supported templates.
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Wiz Cloud Security Platform is a cloud-native security platform that enables security, dev, and devops to work together in a self-service model, detecting and preventing cloud security threats in real-time.
A cybersecurity platform that offers vulnerability scanning, Windows Defender and 3rd party AV management, and MFA compliance reporting, among other features.
Adversa AI is a cybersecurity company that provides solutions for securing and hardening machine learning, artificial intelligence, and large language models against adversarial attacks, privacy issues, and safety incidents across various industries.