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LambdaGuard is an AWS Lambda auditing tool designed to create asset visibility and provide actionable results. It provides a meaningful overview in terms of statistical analysis, AWS service dependencies and configuration checks from the security perspective. Requirements: * Python 3.6+ * Java 11 (optional for SonarQube) Install: * From PyPI: pip3 install lambdaguard * From Github: git clone cd lambdaguard sudo make install AWS Access: * You will need a set of AWS access keys and permissions to run LambdaGuard. * Create a profile in ~/.aws/credentials with the newly created keys. * Alternatively, you can use the keys directly as CLI arguments (not recommended). Run: * lambdaguard --help * lambdaguard --function arn:aws:lambda:function * lambdaguard --input function-arns.txt * lambdaguard --output /tmp/lambdaguard * lambdaguard --profile LambdaGuardProf