Honeypot for Router Backdoor (TCP-32764) Logo

Honeypot for Router Backdoor (TCP-32764)

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This is a first try to mock the router backdoor 'TCP32764' found in several router firmwares at the end of 2013. The POC of the backdoor is located at this repository. A note: This honeypot is not fully compatible with the real backdoor, but it responds positively to well-known tests. Both the poc.py and the web test from Heise recognize this as a real backdoor. Do not complain about any actions or problems after using this piece of code. Relax, take the time, read it first, and then try it on your own. Dependencies: NodeJS. How to use (easy start): git clone https://github.com/knalli/honeypot-for-tcp-32764.git && cd honeypot-for-tcp-32764 npm install node_modules/.bin/coffee server.coffee. How to use (daemon): There are two user scripts defined in the package.json which instruments Forever. Simply use npm start to start the server and npm stop to stop the server. The flag -w is used so that any file changes will effectively restart the server in a second. How to monitor: There are following user scripts defined for easy access to the log: npm run-script print-log printing out the log file of the current daemon (sta



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