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A script to enumerate Google Storage buckets, determine what access you have to them, and determine if they can be privilege escalated. This script (optionally) accepts GCP user/service account credentials and a keyword. A list of permutations will be generated from that keyword which will then be used to scan for the existence of Google Storage buckets with those names. If credentials are supplied, the majority of enumeration will still be performed while unauthenticated, but for any bucket that is discovered via unauthenticated enumeration, it will attempt to enumerate the bucket permissions using the TestIamPermissions API with the supplied credentials. This will help find buckets that are accessible while authenticated, but not while unauthenticated. Regardless if credentials are supplied or not, the script will then try to enumerate the bucket permissions using the TestIamPermissions API while unauthenticated. This means that if you don't enter credentials, you will only be shown the privileges an unauthenticated user has, but if you do enter credentials, you will see what access authenticated users have compared to unauthenticated users. WARNING: If credentials are supplied, the script will attempt to use them to authenticate with Google Cloud Platform. Please ensure you have the necessary permissions and credentials to use this script.