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This is a collection of setup scripts to create an install of various security research tools. Of course, this isn't a hard problem, but it's really nice to have them in one place that's easily deployable to new machines and so forth. The install-scripts for these tools are checked regularly, the results can be found on the build status page. Installers for the following tools are included: - afl: State-of-the-art fuzzer. - angr: Next-generation binary analysis engine from Shellphish. - barf: Binary Analysis and Reverse-engineering Framework. - bindead: A static analysis tool for binaries. - capstone: Multi-architecture disassembly framework. - checksec: Check binary hardening settings. - codereason: Semantic Binary Code Analysis Framework. - crosstool-ng: Cross-compilers and cross-architecture tools. - cross2: A set of cross-compilation tools from a Japanese book on C. - elfkickers: A set of utilities for working with ELF files. - elfparser: Quickly determine the capabilities of an ELF bin



A comprehensive collection of resources for learning ARM assembly language and shellcode development.

Vim syntax-highlighting plugin for YARA rules with support up to v4.3.

nudge4j is a tool to control Java applications from the browser and experiment with live code.

A tool for auditing and reporting Unix host security with the ability to perform a lockdown.

A system for reserving classrooms at the University of Pisa.

A daily updated list of the top 1 million websites in the world, ordered by referring subnets.

3GL is a high-level programming language with a focus on ASM for 6502.

Guidance on securing NFS in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7