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Need a quick way to visualize your current AWS/Amazon EC2 security group configuration? aws-security-viz does just that based on the EC2 security group ingress configuration. FEATURES: Output to any of the formats that Graphviz supports. EC2 classic and VPC security groups INSTALLATION: $ gem install aws_security_viz $ aws_security_viz --help DEPENDENCIES: graphviz brew install graphviz USAGE: To generate the graph directly using AWS keys $ aws_security_viz -a your_aws_key -s your_aws_secret_key -f viz.svg --color=true To generate the graph using an existing security_groups.json (created using aws-cli) $ aws_security_viz -o data/security_groups.json -f viz.svg --color To generate a web view $ aws_security_viz -a your_aws_key -s your_aws_secret_key -f aws.json --renderer navigator Generates two files: aws.json and navigator.html. The json file name needs to be passed in as a html fragment identifier. The generated graph can be viewed in a webserver e.g. http://localhost:3000/navigator.html#aws.json by using ruby -run -e httpd -- -p 3000 DOCKER USAGE: If you don't want to install