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Zero Online Banking

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Zero Online Banking provides a greener and more convenient way to manage your money by enabling you to check account balances, pay bills, transfer money, and keep detailed transaction records with an internet connection. It offers features like checking account activity, transferring funds securely, and setting up a personalized money map.



Real-time capture the flag (CTF) scoring engine for computer wargames with a fun game-like environment for learning cybersecurity skills.

GAUNTLT - Security and Rugged Testing tool

Protect against Prototype Pollution vulnerabilities in your application by freezing JavaScript objects.

A comprehensive collection of security assessment lists for security testers.

Recorded talks from the Conference 2018 covering various hardware security topics.

SecGen creates vulnerable virtual machines and hacking challenges for learning security penetration testing techniques.

Cybersecurity conference with talks on privacy, security monitoring, ransomware, and more.

Script to verify audit settings for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in GPO.