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Reverse Shell Manager

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A multiple reverse shell sessions/clients manager via terminal. This project has been discontinued, and the next generation (Platypus) is available with more stability and features. Attacker side setup involves cloning the code, installing dependencies, and starting the server. Victim side instructions provided for Linux and Windows systems. Includes a RESTful API for reverse shell as a service.



A quick and dirty dynamic redirect.rules generator for penetration testers and security professionals.

A post-exploitation framework designed to operate covertly on heavily monitored environments.

A tool for mining URLs from dark corners of Web Archives for bug hunting/fuzzing/further probing

A repository containing material for Android greybox fuzzing with AFL++ Frida mode

A free and open source C2 and proxy for penetration testers

Hidden parameters discovery suite

A Python utility to takeover domains vulnerable to AWS NS Takeover

Exploiting WordPress With Metasploit, containing 45 modules for exploits and auxiliaries.