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Empire Communication Profiles

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With Communication Profiles, we can customize options for Empire’s GET request URIs, user agent, and headers. A basic profile consists of each element, separated by the pipe character. Profiles can incorporate multiple request URIs and Headers by separating URIs with commas and separating additional Headers with pipes.



A next generation version of enum4linux with enhanced features for enumerating information from Windows and Samba systems.

A week-long series of articles and talks on evading Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) detection

Tool for attacking Active Directory environments through SQL Server access.

A fuzzing framework for Android that creates corrupt media files to identify potential vulnerabilities

CrackMapExec (CME) - A tool for querying internal database for host and credential information in cybersecurity.

Mortar is an evasion technique to defeat and divert detection and prevention of security products, including AV, EDR, and XDR solutions.

Collection of URLs for vulnerable web applications and systems for cybersecurity practice.

Tool for exploiting Sixnet RTUs to gain root level access with little effort.