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A set of configuration files to use with EclecticIQ's OpenTAXII implementation, along with a callback for when data is sent to the TAXII Server's inbox. Installation: Manual install git clone cd MISP-Taxii-Server apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev # for mysql_config pip3 install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt You'll then need to set up your TAXII database. As you're using MISP, you'll likely already have a MySQL environment running. mysql -u [database user] -p # Enter Database password mysql> create database taxiiauth; mysql> create database taxiipersist; mysql> grant all on taxiiauth.* to 'taxii'@'%' identified by 'some_password'; mysql> grant all on taxiipersist.* to 'taxii'@'%' identified by 'some_password'; mysql> exit; Now configure your TAXII server cp config/config.default.yaml config/config.yaml Now, with that data, copy config/config.default.yaml over to config/config.yaml and open it. Edit the db_connection parameters to match your environment. Change auth_api -> parameters -> secret whilst you're here as well. Do not forget to set your MISP server's URL and API key at the bottom. If you wish, you can edit the taxii service