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Machinae is a tool for collecting intelligence from public sites/feeds about various security-related pieces of data: IP addresses, domain names, URLs, email addresses, file hashes and SSL fingerprints. It was inspired by Automater, another excellent tool for collecting information. The Machinae project was born from wishing to improve Automater in 4 areas: - Codebase: Bring Automater to python3 compatibility while making the code more pythonic - Configuration: Use a more human readable configuration format (YAML) - Inputs: Support JSON parsing out-of-the-box without the need to write regular expressions, but still support regex scraping when needed - Outputs: Support additional output types, including JSON, while making extraneous output optional Installation: Machinae can be installed using pip3: pip3 install machinae Or, if you're feeling adventurous, can be installed directly from github: pip3 install git+ You will need to have whatever dependencies are required on your system for compiling Python modules (on Debian based systems, python3-dev), as well as the libyaml development package (on Debian