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ida_yara is a Python script that can be used to scan data within an IDB using Yara. The code mimics IDA's find_text and find_binary. It creates the Yara signature based off of the search and its search flags. Usage: Same as IDA's find_text and find_binary. Example: ida_yara.yara_find_text(start_ea, y, x, ustr, sflag=0) ida_yara.yara_find_binary(start_ea, ubinstr, radix=16, sflag=0) Search Flags: SEARCH_UP = search up return single match SEARCH_DOWN = search down return single match SEARCH_UP|SEARCH_NEXT = return all up from ea with the order being closest to furthest SEARCH_DOWN|SEARCH_DOWN = return all down from ea SEARCH_DOWN = same as SEARCH_DOWN SEARCH_UNICODE = search for Unicode characters