How to Write Malleable C2 Profiles for Cobalt Strike Logo

How to Write Malleable C2 Profiles for Cobalt Strike

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Malleable C2 provides operators with a method to mold Cobalt Strike command and control traffic to their will. For instance, if you determine your target organization allows employees to use Pandora, you could create a profile to make Cobalt Strike's C2 traffic look like Pandora on the wire. Alternatively, if a client wants to test detection capabilities, you could make your traffic look like a well-known malware toolkit like Zeus. This post covers how to create new Malleable C2 profiles for Cobalt Strike, using examples and code snippets to illustrate the process. It's not fun to get caught on an assessment because your target has your toolset signatured. It's even less fun if that signature is easily bypassed. Cobalt Strike's Malleable C2 is a method of avoiding that problem when it comes to command and control (C2) traffic.



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