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Simplified UI for showing honeypot alarms for the DTAG early warning system. Based on Bootstrap Grails 2.5.5 great SBADMIN-2 Theme ! Spring Security Code UlLink Slack client code. Functions collect alarms from your local honeypot installations, review current alarms, forward alarms to DTAG early warning system, use role / security functions from Spring security. Login username / password combination is (me/password). See history.txt and todo.txt for details. Configfile (/etc/honeyalarmg2.properties).



A comprehensive dashboard for managing and monitoring honeypots with detailed information on attack attempts and connections.

A modern directory scanner that can be used to find hidden directories and files on a web server.

Parse Cowrie honeypot logs into a Neo4j database.

Tango is a set of scripts and Splunk apps for deploying honeypots with ease.

A honeypot system that allows you to set up a decoy API to detect and analyze potential security threats.

A honeypot daemon project for processing, filtering, and redirecting incoming traffic to a sandbox environment.

SHIVA: Spam Honeypot with Intelligent Virtual Analyzer for capturing and analyzing spam data.

Distributed low interaction honeypot with Agent/Master design supporting various protocol handlers.

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