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Do you ever wonder if there is an easier way to retrieve, store, and maintain all your threat intelligence data? Random user, meet Forager. Not all threat intel implementations require a database that is 'correlating trillions of data points..' and instead, you just need a simple interface, with simple TXT files, that can pull threat data from other feeds, PDF threat reports, or other data sources, with minimal effort. With 15 pre-configured threat feeds, you can get started with threat intelligence feed management today.. Right now.. Do it! Features At A Glance: - Fetch intel from URL's using modular feed functions - Extract domain, md5, sha1, sha256, IPv4, and YARA indicators - Search through the current intel set by single IP or with an IOC file - Generate JSON feeds for consumption by CarbonBlack - Serves up a Simple HTTP JSON feed server for CarbonBlack Requirements: Requires Python 3! argparse xlrd pdfminer3k colorama (for pretty colored output) You can install all requirements with the included requirements.txt file pip3 install -r requirements.txt Feeds: --feeds list -- Lists all feeds and allows the user to choose a single feed to update. update -- Updates all feed modules