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An easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for Censys APIs ( Python 3.8+ is currently supported. This library has been tested on Python 3.8 and 3.x (Currently version 3.10). Notice: The Censys Search v1 endpoints are deprecated as of Nov. 30, 2021. Please begin using v2 endpoints to query hosts and certificates and check out our support center for resources. Features: - Search Censys data - Bulk Certificate lookups - Download Bulk Data - Manage assets, events, and seeds in Censys ASM - Command-line interface Getting Started: The library can be installed using pip. - pip install censys To upgrade using pip: - pip install --upgrade censys Alternatively, you can install the library using poetry: - git clone - cd censys-python/ - poetry install Optionally, you can enable tab completion for the CLI by adding this line to your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or equivalent. Please note that autocomplete is supported for field names in the search command. - eval "$(register-python-argcomplete censys)" To configure your search credentials run censys config or set both CENSYS_API_ID and CENSYS_API_SECRET environment variables. - $ censys config Censys