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A better strings utility! Command Line Interface bstrings version Author: Eric Zimmerman ( - If set, look for ASCII strings. Default is true. Use -a false to disable - Chunk size in MB. Valid range is 1 to 1024. Default is 512 - Directory to recursively process. Either this or -f is required - File to search. Either this or -d is required - Minimum string length. Default is 3 - File to save results to - Display list of built-in regular expressions - Quiet mode (Do not show header or total number of hits) - Really Quiet mode (Do not display hits to console. Speeds up processing when using -o) - If set, look for Unicode strings. Default is true. Use -u false to disable - Maximum string length. Default is unlimited - String to look for. When set, only matching strings are returned - Regex to look for. When set, only strings matching the regex are returned - File containing strings to look for. When set, only matching strings are returned - File containing regex patterns to look for. When set, only strings matching regex patterns are returned - Range of characters to search for in 'Code page' stri