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Aptoide is an alternative marketplace for mobile applications where you can download APKs, get metadata for package IDs, and download APKs from the store using package IDs.



Catch possible phishing domains in near real time by looking for suspicious TLS certificate issuances reported to the Certificate Transparency Log (CTL) via the CertStream API.

Python tool for monitoring user-select APIs in Android apps using Frida.

PLCinject is a tool for injecting and patching blocks on PLCs with a call instruction.

A next-generation file integrity monitoring and change detection system

House: A runtime mobile application analysis toolkit with a Web GUI, powered by Frida, written in Python.

Introspy-Android is a blackbox tool for understanding Android app behavior and identifying security issues at runtime.

A Low-cost ICS Security Testbed for Education and Research

Scans SPF and DMARC records for issues that could allow email spoofing.