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ICSREF is a modular framework that automates the reverse engineering process of CODESYS binaries compiled with the CODESYS v2 compiler. It can perform core analysis of arbitrary PRG programs, including: * Delimitation of binary blobs (i.e., functions/routines) * Identification of calls to dynamic libraries * Identification of calls to static libraries (other than CODESYS libraries) by Tasos Keliris @koukouviou Cite us! If you find our work interesting and use it in your (academic or not) research, please cite our NDSS'19 paper describing ICSREF: @inproceedings{keliris2019icsref, title={{ICSREF}: A Framework for Automated Reverse Engineering of Industrial Control Systems Binaries}, author={Keliris, A. and Maniatakos, M.}, booktitle={Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)}, year={2019} }