Akamai Hunt is a managed threat hunting service that searches for and remediates evasive security risks in network environments. The service collects and correlates data from the client's environment and Akamai's platform to identify suspicious activity. It employs machine learning and AI to process data and detect threats, with dedicated experts investigating each event for legitimacy. Akamai Hunt provides real-time alerts with detailed information for insights and mitigation. The Hunt team assists with incident response and works closely with clients to remediate issues. The service integrates with Akamai Guardicore Segmentation and offers features such as context-rich threat intelligence, big data analysis, advanced detection algorithms, and monthly executive-level threat reports.


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Maltego transform pack for analyzing and graphing Honeypots using MySQL data.

A comprehensive and unrestricted dataset of security incidents for research and decision-making

A comprehensive list of IP addresses for cybersecurity purposes, including threat intelligence, incident response, and security research.

A comprehensive Threat Intelligence Program Management Solution for managing the entire CTI lifecycle.

A modular malware collection and processing framework with support for various threat intelligence feeds.

Robust Python SDK and Command Line Client for interacting with IntelOwl's API.