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This collection provides battle tested hardening for: * Linux operating systems: CentOS 7/8/9, Rocky Linux 8/9, Debian 10/11/12, Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04, Amazon Linux (some roles supported), Arch Linux (some roles supported), Fedora 37/38, Suse Tumbleweed (some roles supported) * MySQL MariaDB >= 5.5.65, >= 10.1.45, >= 10.3.17 * MySQL >= 5.7.31, >= 8.0.3 * Nginx 1.0.16 or later * OpenSSH 5.3 and later The hardening is intended to be compliant with the Inspec DevSec Baselines: Looking for the old roles? The roles are now part of the hardening-collection. We have kept the old releases of the os-hardening role in this repository, so you can find the them by exploring older tags. The last release of the standalone role was 6.2.0. The other roles are in separate archives repositories: apache_hardening, mysql_hardening, nginx_hardening, ssh_hardening, windows_hardening Minimum required Ansible-version: Ansible >= 2.9.10 Included content: os_hardening, mysql_hardening, nginx_ha