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Sysreptor is a fully customizable, offensive security reporting solution designed for pentesters, red teamers, and other security-related professionals. It provides a flexible and adaptable platform for generating comprehensive reports, allowing users to tailor the reporting process to their specific needs. With Sysreptor, users can create custom templates, integrate with various tools and frameworks, and automate report generation. This enables them to focus on high-value tasks while streamlining the reporting process. The solution is highly adaptable, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of security professionals, from pentesters and red teamers to security consultants and auditors.



Dnscan is a DNS reconnaissance tool that performs DNS scans, DNS cache snooping, and DNS amplification attack detection.

A free and open-source deliberately insecure web application for security enthusiasts, developers, and students to discover and prevent web vulnerabilities.

Automate your reconnaissance process with AttackSurfaceMapper, a tool for mapping and analyzing network attack surfaces.

DOM-based XSS vulnerability scanner

A comprehensive open dictionary of fault injection patterns and predictable resource locations for dynamic application security testing

A virtual machine with numerous security vulnerabilities for testing exploits with Metasploit.

JavaScript library scanner and SBOM generator

tfsec is being replaced by Trivy, a more comprehensive open-source security solution

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