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Use this IDA python plugin to scan your binary with yara rules. All the yara rule matches will be listed with their offset so you can quickly jump to them! 🍻 All credit for this plugin and the code goes to David Berard (@p0ly) 🍻 This plugin is copied from David's excellent findcrypt-yara plugin. This plugin just extends his to use any yara rule. The plugin can be launched from the menu using Edit->Plugins->FindYara or using the hot-key combination Ctrl-Alt-Y. When launched the FindYara will open a file selection dialogue that allows you to select your Yara rules file. Once the rule file has been selected FindYara will scan the loaded binary for rule matches. All rule matches are displayed in a selection box that allows you to double click the matches and jump to their location in the binary. FindYara scans the loaded PE sections in IDA, this means that yara rules that include matches on the PE header will not match in IDA. IDA does not load the PE header as a scannable section. Also, if you have not selected Load resources when loading your binary in IDA then the resources section will be unavailable for scanning. This can lead to false negatives.