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A simple Python library for interacting with TAXII servers. Docker To run cabby using docker, execute the following: docker run --rm eclecticiq/cabby taxii-discovery --path Feedback You are encouraged to provide feedback by commenting on open issues or sending us email at



RedEye is a visual analytic tool for enhancing Red and Blue Team operations.

Repository for detection content with various types of rules and payloads.

Machinae is a tool for collecting intelligence from public sites/feeds about various security-related pieces of data.

A free software that calculates the security ranking of Internet Service Providers to detect malicious activities.

Robust Python SDK and Command Line Client for interacting with IntelOwl's API.

CAPEC™ is a comprehensive dictionary of known attack patterns used by adversaries to exploit weaknesses in cyber-enabled capabilities.

In-depth analysis of real-world attacks and threat tactics

A comprehensive and unrestricted dataset of security incidents for research and decision-making