Akamai Account Protector is a cybersecurity tool designed to prevent account abuse and protect against fraudulent activities. The tool utilizes advanced detection methods to identify and mitigate account takeover attempts and account opening abuse. It creates detailed user profiles based on devices, networks, locations, and activity patterns to recognize authentic users. Account Protector employs real-time risk scoring, evaluating each request for authenticity and assigning a user risk score. This score is used to determine appropriate actions such as blocking, alerting, or allowing access. The system leverages Akamai's global network visibility to enhance its risk assessment capabilities. It can detect anomalies even during the account creation process and from the first login by comparing behavior to the entire user population profile. Additionally, the tool incorporates sophisticated bot detection mechanisms to identify and mitigate adversarial bots, even on their first interaction. It provides insights that can be integrated with fraud investigation and SIEM tools for comprehensive security management.


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