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This cheat sheet contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory. This cheat sheet is inspired by the PayloadAllTheThings repo. Tools: - Domain Enumeration - Using PowerView - Using AD Module - Using BloodHound - Remote BloodHound - On Site BloodHound - Using Adalanche - Remote adalanche Useful Enumeration Tools: - Local Privilege Escalation - Useful Local Priv Esc Tools Lateral Movement: - Powershell Remoting - Remote Code Execution with PS Credentials - Import a PowerShell Module and Execute its Functions Remotely - Executing Remote Stateful commands - Mimikatz - Remote Desktop Protocol - URL File Attacks Useful Tools: - Domain Privilege Escalation - Kerberoast - ASREPRoast - Password Spray Attack - Force Set SPN - Abusing Shadow Copies - List and Decrypt Stored Credentials using Mimikatz - Unconstrained Delegation - Constrained Delegation - Resource Based Constrained Delegation - DNSAdmins Abuse - Abusing Active Directory-Integrated DNS - Abusing Backup Operators Group - Abusing Exchange - Weaponizing Printer Bug - Abusing ACLs - Abusing IPv6 with mitm6 - SID History Abuse - Exploiting SharePoint - Zerologon - PrintNightmare - Active