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YaraHunter scans container images, running Docker containers, and filesystems to find indicators of malware. It uses a YARA ruleset to identify resources that match known malware signatures, and may indicate that the container or filesystem has been compromised. YaraHunter can be used in the following ways: - At build-and-test: scan build artifacts in the CI/CD pipeline, reporting on possible indicators of malware - At rest: scan local container images, for example, before they are deployed, to verify they do not contain malware - At runtime: scan running docker containers, for example, if you observe unusual network traffic or CPU activity - Against filesystems: at any time, YaraHunter can scan local filesystems for indicators of compromise Key capabilities: - Scan running and at-rest containers - Scan filesystems - Scan during CI/CD build operations Run anywhere: highly-portable, docker container form factor Designed for automation: easy-to-deploy, easy-to-parse JSON output YaraHunter is a work-in-progress (check the Roadmap and issues list), and will be integrated into the ThreatMapper threat discovery platform. We welcome any contributions to help improve this tool.