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This is a Burp intruder extender designed for automation and validation of XSS vulnerabilities. It allows for the easy creation of custom payloads and the ability to validate XSS vulnerabilities. It also includes features such as payload generation, payload validation, and vulnerability reporting.



A collection of Yara rules for detecting malware evasion techniques

A better version of my xssfinder tool that scans for different types of XSS on a list of URLs.

Define and validate YARA rule metadata with CCCS YARA Specification.

A standalone binary inspection tool for Android developers with support for various formats and dependencies.

OCyara performs OCR on image files and scans them for matches to Yara rules, supporting Debian-based Linux distros.

A library and command line interface for extracting URLs, IP addresses, MD5/SHA hashes, email addresses, and YARA rules from text corpora.

Tools for working with Android .dex and Java .class files, including dex-reader/writer, d2j-dex2jar, and smali/baksmali.

FSF is a modular, recursive file scanning solution that enables analysts to extend the utility of Yara signatures and define actionable intelligence within a file.