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Volatility 3

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Volatility 3 is a digital artifact extraction framework that extracts data from volatile memory (RAM) samples, providing visibility into the runtime state of a system. It's a rewritten version of Volatility, addressing technical and performance challenges, and is released under a custom license. The framework requires Python 3.7.0 or later and can be installed using pip or setup.py. It provides a range of plugins for analyzing memory samples, including support for Windows memory samples. The framework is widely used for extracting digital artifacts from volatile memory samples and is intended to introduce people to the techniques and complexities associated with this area of research. Volatility 3 is open-source and freely available on GitHub, with a growing community contributing to its development and maintenance.



A community-sourced repository of digital forensic artifacts in YAML format.

A forensic tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports by rootkits or other hidden techniques.

Python tool for remote memory acquisition

Customizable live OS constructor tool for remote forensics and incident response.

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A DFVFS backed viewer project with a WxPython GUI, aiming to enhance file extraction and viewing capabilities.

A collection of tools for extracting and analyzing information from .git repositories