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Low-interaction VNC honeypot that listens on a port and logs responses to a static VNC Auth challenge. It was inspired by VNC-Pot, but does not have any dependencies outside the go standard library. Setup and Install: go get go install vnclowpot Options: There are only two options: The listen address can be changed with -l. John The Ripper-compatible lines can be generated with -j (and will need to be extracted from the log messages with something like cut -f 4 -d ' '). Pull requests are welcome. Cracker: In the cracker directory, there is a simple program to try to crack the handshakes logged in John The Ripper format. See its README for more details. Tester: In the tester directory, there is a simple program to generate VNC authentication attempts, for use in testing vnclowpot, as well as being production-grade for pentesting. See its README for more details. Windows: Should probably work.