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TrailScraper is a command-line tool to get valuable information out of AWS CloudTrail and a general purpose toolbox for working with IAM policies. Installation: OSX: $ brew install trailscraper Installation using pip: Requirements: Python >= 3.5 pip $ pip install trailscraper Run directly using docker: $ docker run --rm --env-file <(env | grep AWS_) -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws Usage: Get CloudTrail events matching a filter from CloudTrail API Download some logs Download some logs in organisational trails Find CloudTrail events matching a filter in downloaded logs Generate Policy from some CloudTrail records Extend existing policy by guessing matching actions Find CloudTrail events and generate an IAM Policy Get CloudTrail events matching a filter from CloudTrail API $ trailscraper select --use-cloudtrail-api --filter-assumed-role-arn some-arn --from 'one hour ago' --to 'now' { "Records": [ { "eventTime": "2017-12-11T15:01:51Z", "eventSource": "", "eventName": "DescribeLaunchConfigurations", ...