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This project is a Docker image useful for solving Steganography challenges as those you can find at CTF platforms like The image comes pre-installed with many popular tools and several screening scripts you can use check simple things. Usage: First make sure you have Docker installed. Then you can use the shell scripts bin/ and bin/ in this repo to build the image and run the container. You will be dropped into a bash shell inside the container. It will have the data folder mounted, into which you can put the files to analyze. If you don't use the scripts, follow these steps: Build image (docker build -t <image_name> .) or pull from Docker hub (docker pull dominicbreuker/stego-toolkit). Start a container with your files mounted to the folder /data (docker run -it <image_name> -v /local/folder/with/data:/data /bin/bash). Use CLI tools and screening scripts on your files: e.g., run image.jpg to create a quick report, or run image.jpg wordlist.txt to try extracting hidden data with various tools and passwords.