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Root the Box is a real-time capture the flag (CTF) scoring engine for computer wargames where hackers can practice and learn. The application can be easily configured and modified for any CTF style game. The platform allows you to engage novice and experienced players alike by combining a fun game-like environment with realistic challenges that convey knowledge applicable to the real-world, such as penetration testing, incident response, digital forensics and threat hunting. Screenshots & Demo: Additional platform screenshots and game examples. RootTheBox Demo – Note it may take a few seconds to wake up. Also, please don't change passwords on the example accounts, but feel free to register a new user. Features: Team Play or Individual Play, Real-time animated scoreboard, graphs, and status updates using websockets, Flag Types: Static, Regex, Datetime, Multiple Choice, File - with options for case sensitivity, Options for Penalties, Hints, Attempts, Level Bonuses, Dynamic Scoring, Categories and more, Built-in team