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Simple framework to extract "actionable" data from Android malware (C&Cs, phone numbers etc.) Installation: You have to install the following packets before you start using this project: Androguard (git clone; cd androguard; sudo python install) PyCrypto (easy_install pycrypto) pyelftools (easy_install pyelftools) yara (easy_install yara) Architecture: The project has couple of directories, which host a place for you static analysis or output processing: plugins - this is were the code responsible for the malware identification and data extraction is. Every class has to inherit from Plugin class from templates. Method recon identifies the malware - put there all of the code you need to make sure you can extract the data. Method extract does the usual extraction. There is no specific format for the extracted data, but it's good to keep it in Python dictionary, so that the ouput processors could read it in a uniform way. processing - this is were you put classes that inherit from OutputProcessor class. They are invoked after the data extraction and get the extracted info. process method takes