Gray Hat Hacking v6 Lab 29 Logo

Gray Hat Hacking v6 Lab 29

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This directory contains the components to build the labs for Chapter 29. Lab Information: The following VMs will be setup for this lab: Docker Host IP: Docker User: ubuntu Docker Password: SSH key setup with the lab Kali Computer IP: Kali User: kali Kali Password: SSH key setup with the lab. Setting up the Lab: Make sure you have completed all the steps at ( Go into the Lab/terraform directory and modify the terraform.tfvars. Edit the file with your favorite text editor and then replace the contents of the key_path variable with the path to your SSH key. An example might look like: key_path="/home/kali/.ssh/id_rsa". Go into the Lab subdirectory and run to start the environment build. It will ask you are sure you want to create resources. If it does ask type yes. This will create resources that may cost you money. If you want to destroy the lab between uses, run Answer yes when it asks if you are sure, and the resources will be deleted. Retrieving the IP addresses of the machines: Once the script is completed, it should print the IP addresses of the hosts.



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