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google-play-crawler is simply for searching android applications on GooglePlay, and also downloading them. Now you can download applications with a single click from the web to your desktop. It also has check-in ability to generate ANDROID-ID for you. While doing check-in with your account, it uses Galaxy S3 properties. So only Galaxy S3 compatible applications will be retrieved. If you try to download an incompatible application for Galaxy S3, you will get an exception like this: 'The item you were attempting to purchase could not be found.' Motivated users can add other device properties from here: This project is available thanks to this project: Take a look at the code; it is not that sophisticated.. Building and running ###SBT Make sure you have protoc installed (version 2.5!). On OSX: brew install protobuf Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-java Install SBT: To build: sbt assembly Note: This will generate the prot