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Very vulnerable ARM/ARM64[AARCH64] application (CTF style exploitation tutorial, portable to other platforms) (c) B.Kerler 2018-2020 Why: Some of my friends asked me if I could do some examples of exploitable stuff I've seen in real-world the past years for ARM/ARM64[AARCH64]/others. So, for training purposes, I thought: Why not :) Current vulnerabilities: Level 1: Integer overflow Level 2: Stack overflow Level 3: Array overflow Level 4: Off by one Level 5: Stack cookie Level 6: Format string Level 7: Heap overflow Level 8: Structure redirection / Type confusion Level 9: Zero pointers Level 10: Command injection Level 11: Path Traversal Level 12: Return oriented programming (ROP) Level 13: Use-after-free Level 14: Jump oriented programming (JOP) Install on Debian/Ubuntu System: Download the repo git clone https://github.com/bkerler/exploit_me Install needed tools on host (Ubuntu) ~$ cd exploit_me ~/exploit_me $ ./script/setup.sh Usage hints: See hints.txt for a start. For trying if it works : *** 32-Bit: $ ./bin/exploit *** 64-Bit: $ ./bin/exploit64 Example debugging session: $ sudo ./scripts/disableaslr.sh (Disable aslr, don't run if you want more fun) (Path dir1/dir2 n



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