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Curated list of acronyms and terms related to cyber security landscape including industry, open source, and non-profit organizations. This glossary classifies and explains security terms to make them understandable beyond the 'buzzword'. Contributions are welcome. Algorithms Encryption algorithms and other protection methods: - 3DES: Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (Also TDEA or Triple DEA) - AES: Advanced Encryption Standard - DES: Data Encryption Standard - MD5: Message-digest Algorithm - RSA: Rivest–Shamir–Adleman open cryptosystem - SHA: Secure Hashing Algorithm Attacks, Vulnerabilities, and Threats: - CSRF: Cross Site Request Forgery - DC: Differential cryptanalytics - LC: Linear cryptanalytics - DA: Davies Attack - DoS: Denial of Service - DDoS: Distributed Denial of Service - Malware: Malicious Software - MITM: Man in the middle (also Person in the middle) - RaaS: Ransomware as a Service - RAT: Remote Access Trojan - RCE: Remote Code Execution - SET: Social Engineering Toolkit