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ir-rescue is composed of two sister scripts that collect a myriad of forensic data from 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems (ir-rescue-win) and from Unix systems (ir-rescue-nix). The scripts respect the order of volatility and artifacts that are changed with the execution (e.g., prefetch files on Windows) and are intended for incident response use at different stages in the analysis and investigation process. ir-rescue-win is fully written in Batch and can be set to perform comprehensive and customized acquisitions of specific types of live data and of historical data from available Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) copies. ir-rescue-win makes use of built-in Windows commands and well-known third party utilities from Sysinternals and NirSoft, for instance, some being open-source. PowerShell and the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) are not used in order to make ir-rescue-win transversally compatible. ir-rescue-nix is written in Bash (v4+) and makes use of built-in Unix commands. Some commands used might not be POSIX-compliant and therefore might not be available on some Unix-like systems or variants, especially on older operating systems.