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Set up your own IPsec VPN server in just a few minutes, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2. An IPsec VPN encrypts your network traffic, so that nobody between you and the VPN server can eavesdrop on your data as it travels via the Internet. This is especially useful when using unsecured networks, e.g. at coffee shops, airports or hotel rooms. We will use Libreswan as the IPsec server, and xl2tpd as the L2TP provider. Quick start: First, prepare your Linux server* with an install of Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS. Use this one-liner to set up an IPsec VPN server: wget -O && sudo sh Your VPN login details will be randomly generated, and displayed when finished. Optional: Install WireGuard and/or OpenVPN on the same server. See the script in action (terminal recording). Note: This recording is for demo purposes only. VPN credentials in this recording are NOT valid.