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You are seeing a high-performant, coroutines-driven, and fully customisable implementation of Low & Slow load generator designed for real-world pentesting. Its complete undetectability is achieved by connecting through Tor. Contents - Features - Installation - Building from - Building from sources - Pre-compiled binaries - Options Overview - Minimal command - Using the Tor network - Test intensity - Connections count - Custom data portions - Logging options - Gallery - Initialisation - Errors - Being verbose - Contributing - Target platform - Legal disclaimer Features - Coroutines-driven. Finshir uses coroutines (also called lightweight threads) instead of ordinary threads, which lets you open many more connections with fewer system resources. - Generic. Unlike other Low & Slow utilities, Finshir lets you transmit arbitrary data sets over the TCP protocol. It may be partial HTTP headers, empty spaces, and so on. - Written in Rust. All the logic is written completely in Rust, leveraging bare-metal performance and high-level safety (no SIGSEGV, SIGILL, and other 'funny' stuff). Installation - Currently, this