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README SQLI-LABS is a platform to learn SQLI Following labs are covered for GET and POST scenarios: Error Based Injections (Union Select) String Intiger Error Based Injections (Double Injection Based) BLIND Injections: 1.Boolian Based 2.Time Based Update Query Injection. Insert Query Injections. Header Injections. 1.Referer based. 2.UserAgent based. 3.Cookie based. Second Order Injections Bypassing WAF Bypassing Blacklist filters Stripping comments Stripping OR & AND Stripping SPACES and COMMENTS Stripping UNION & SELECT Impidence mismatch Bypass addslashes() Bypassing mysql_real_escape_string. (under special conditions) Stacked SQL injections. Secondary channel extraction Install Instructions: Unzip the contents inside the apache folder, for example under /var/www This will create a folder sql-labs under it. else you can use git command from within /var/www folder. /var/www folder and then use following command> git clone sqli-labs Open the file "" which is under sql-connections folder inside the sql-labs folder. Update your MYSQL database us